Friday, November 16, 2012

Kick Off Meeting

Last night we had our Party Committee kick-off meeting.  After some quick housekeeping updates, the reason for the meeting, 570 days before graduation was announced.  Dannette is working with the Renaisance Festival to have our committee, family, and friends run a concession booth over the course of the festival, and a portion of the profits will go directly to the Senior Party coffer.  We will have fun, make money, and be in costume at the same time.  That's a hat trick!  We need to have our volunteers secured, 5-15 people/day for the 16 days of the fair, by March, so this gives us enough time to sign up workers.  To get more information and to sign up, please contact Dannette at .

As of this time, we have our entire committee chair roster in line.  Hard working, fun-loving parents have stepped forward to lead planning areas.  In our interest in encouraging and embracing all volunteers, if you have not yet signed up, we welcome you and will find a place and a job that is the right fit for the interest and time commitment you have to give. To volunteer, please contact Stacey Spencer at .

Come and volunteer.  All the cool parents are doing it.

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