Thursday, May 2, 2013

399 Days and Counting

399 Days and Counting

Yes, it's true; there are only 399 days until our children graduate! Please stop by our table at Thursday Conferences (May 2nd, 3-7) for valuable information on how you can assist in creating an exciting after-graduation send-off party!

We have exciting fundraisers planned ~ You can help by: working at the Renaissance Festival in August and September, making a donation for our winter Silent Auction, and/or dropping a small gift card off for party night gift bags.

Feeling like you'd like to do more? We still have openings for directory, donation and coat check chairs. You can also sign up to help on the night of the party, Thursday, June 5th, 2014.

Questions: Contact Sally McNamee and Dannette Casper or Stacey Spencer to volunteer at the party

Volunteer - All the Cool Parents Are Doing It

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