Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome to School's Out 2014

Welcome to 'School's Out 2014', the official parent blog with information on volunteering and fundraising for the Senior Party 2014.  You will be able to find updates on events, answers to your questions, and contacts for donating cash or products for our students' final blow out after graduation.

At the bottom of the sidebar on the right, feel free to sign up for emails of this blog sent to you with new posts.

Time is flying by; excitement is building.  Before you know it, we will be tearing up to Pomp and Circumstance, and knowing that our children will have a fun, safe time with their friends right after graduation.  Get involved.  We guarantee you will have as much fun as the grads will.

Hope to see you supporting this worthwhile event.

Sally McNamee and Dannette Casper - Co-Chairs Senior Party 2014

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